Monday, July 24, 2006

It's almost that time!

I'm getting excited about getting back into our homeschooling routine. Josh really needs it, and I am chomping at the bit to get started. I still haven't decided exactly when I am going to start either. It will be sometime in August, but I want to wait until after Jacob and Josh see the endocrinologist on the 1st for the growth hormone problem. After we know what they are going to do, how much testing they are going to do, etc, then I will be able to better judge when to start. There are still some things we need, and things I need to finish preparing a bit, and I am trying to also declutter this house of mine. We have way too much stuff for our little 900-something square foot home.

Speaking of Jacob's growth, he has suddenly shot up! He is now 45 3/4 inches! Yay, Jacob! What is different? I have no idea. Maybe his body just decided it is going to follow its own growth pattern. Who knows? Anyway, it puts him just above the 10% as opposed to the 2-3% on the chart, so he is growing. Joshua, on the other hand, has not grown a bit since November. But, maybe he will follow the same path as Jacob seeing as they are brothers? No idea.

I took Cassidy to the new main library in town. We had never been to the new one, and there was a book I was really wanting to get (I'll tell you about that one in a minute). That place is HUGE! I couldn't believe how large and nice this place is. We parked on the conference level, and walked up some stairs to the main floor. I couldn't find a map, so we headed upstairs...yes, actually up the stairs. Cassidy was hillarious! She wanted to walk up the steps. There is a series of steps, a platform, and then another series of steps. We would get halfway up a set of steps and she would start saying, "We're almost there. Almost. Not much more. We're THERE!" LOL We'd search the floor a bit and then head up to the next level. The children's section is actually on the 2nd floor (our third set of steps) so she was tuckered out by the time we got there. And I think the sheer number of books there was completely overwhelming to her. She found a My Little Pony book and was ready to leave. LOL

There were tons of maps in the children's section, so we grabbed one and found the elevator. We headed to find the one book I went after: "Homeschooling the Child With Asperger Syndrome: Real Help for Parents Anywhere and on Any Budget". I haven't had time to fully dive into it yet, but so far it is wonderful! It is so nice to read what other people have done and what curriculums have worked with their child. It also has some instructions on making our own therapy items, a list of social skills that many Asperger kids have trouble with and idioms commonly used. I can't wait to really sit down and read this one. Though Joshua was diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, at the time we received the diagnosis, we were also told that the only reason he didn't qualify as having Asperger Syndrome is because of his speech delay. So, I'm hoping this book will be a fountain of info.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Jacob's growing! No news on those tests?

Melissa said...

Not until we go in on the first. Will keep you posted once I know something though. :)

Me said...

Let me know how the book is!! YAY on growing!! Cassie is so funny!

K.C.'sMommy said...

Yay Jacob is growing! Speaking of growing I need to buy one of those cute growth charts to put on the wall!