Thursday, June 15, 2006

Elena is a ham

I've mentioned before that Elena loves to dance. The music barely comes on and she is dancing all over the place. Lately it is dramatic spinning she is doing (think ice skater with no skates), which I could do without. LOL She is really cracking me up lately though because she bows when she gets to the end of her routine. I haven't a clue where she learned that one, but it is soooo funny. I need to figure out how the heck to post a video and let you be entertained.

She also will go to the tile floor and try what appears to be tap dancing and at the end yells "ta da" with her arms in the air. She will only do it when she has shoes on her feet, so I am guessing she enjoys the sound. I always pictured Cassidy as our little ballerina, but it looks like Elena is going to be our little performer in the family.
Wow, wow, wow! I had so mcuh fun using Heather's kit. She seems like such an awesome designer to work for. She said she never wants us to feel pressure and to just have fun with it. She sent us one of her kits and it is beee-u-teeee-ful! The one requirement she had was that we had to use a black and white photo. This isn't something I commonly do, but I knew exactly what photos I wanted to choose from for this particular kit. So, I went to work. Before I knew it, I had made 2 layouts and it was 2:30am. Yikes!

So, I spent all morning trying to decide which of the two layouts I wanted to submit. Decisions, decisions. There were things I liked about both of them, and things I wasn't too sure about on both of them as well, but overall I was extremely happy with them both.

Here they are:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I finally decided on layout B. It was so hard choosing though! I went ahead and uploaded A to my member gallery though.

There are so many great layouts already from the other ladies that made the cut. I don't think I would be able to narrow it down if it were me having to choose!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh you just have to post a video! You can upload your video to and post it for us!
