Wednesday, March 22, 2006


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Well, I went to the doctor on Monday. I figured 14 weeks of on and off sickness was more than enough. I am sick of almost coughing up a lung every night and getting no relief. Plus, this weekend had me feeling like death warmed over. So, I went in and saw the PA of my new primary care doctor. He was not too happy about me having waited so long to come in, but oh well. They did a peak flow meter and then did the pulse ox monitor on me. The second one worried me a little at first because it registered as me only getting 90% oxygen. So the nurse played with the cord a minute, making sure it was actually plugged in all of the way and it steadily went up to 100%. Whew!

It was so odd. The PA took very little history. There were no forms to fill out about medical history, family history, specific diseases, etc. Every doctor I have ever been to in the past has had papers to fill out on those types of things - geez, even the ER asks you specific questions about things in your medical history. No specific questions were asked really...just if my mom and dad had any major medical issues and if I had any medications I was currently taking. He asked about any surgeries and I went through the medical issues I had with each of my pregnancies on my own. I volunteered about my past history with my thyroid. Being sick though, I totally did not think about telling him about my tonsillectomy as a kid or the ulcer I had at 12 years old. I am assuming he could tell that the tonsills were gone when he looked at my throat, but who knows how well his quick glance was?

He looked at my ears, throat, nose, and then listened briefly to my chest. He said he'd get me some meds and be right back. He came back with samples of Biaxin XL and told me get some Mucinex DM OTC. He also commented that I "had this cough long enough to warrant a chest x-ray". Then he told me to be sure to make an appointment with my GYN since I am overdue for the yearly check and make another appointment to get established with my regular doctor. As we were leaving, he asked if there was a history of asthma in my family, and I told him yes, my brother has it pretty severe and my mother has it as well. So, he says if this doesn't help then we may need to talk about getting me an inhaler. Yippee.

So, what is wrong with me? I have no earthly idea. He never gave me a diagnosis. Nice, huh? I have felt so washed out since going in though. In some ways I feel worse than before I went and saw him. My cough is not near as bad, but I now am having stomach issues, I'm guessing from the antibiotic. I also am plain worn out I feel wimpy, as my aunt would say. I couldn't even take Josh to therapy today, so my mother had to do it. That's a first, so that just goes to show how crappy I feel.

In the meantime, I have taken up digital scrapbooking. What fun! Here is my first layout:
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Credits: Patterned background papers and elements by Cheryl Whitesel ~ Spring RAK

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