Monday, March 27, 2006

Baby Einstein - So disappointing

Anyone else have the latest DVD? You know, the Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments one.

What a disappointment. :( I am soooo not impressed. IMO, it is the worst of the series, and I usually love Baby Einstein. I was really looking forward to it, having been a music teacher.

I think it stinks that she used a lot of synthesized instruments as opposed to real sound clips. There are so many ways she could have done musical examples in a better way. I mean, for Pete's sake, she sold out to Disney, so she should have had access to the Young People's Orchestra they put together every year, and it would have been prefectly fine...and she probably wouldn't have lost a penny to do so.

I also was a little upset that she replaced commonly seen and heard instruments with others that are not found in orchestras...A prime example can be seen in the woodwind section (my section! LOL). She took out the oboe and replaced it with the recorder. Umm, yeah. I can't recall the last time I saw a recorder in an orchestra, let alone the last time I saw it outside of an elementary school classroom. But, I guess they tried redeeming themselves by sticking the oboe in the bonus features section under the Discovery Cards...right along with the accordian, harmonica, and steel drum.

I say stick to "Peter and the Wolf" to teach kids the instruments if you must use a video. ;)

I made two more layouts:

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Credits: Patterned background papers and elements by Mrs. Schmuck ~ Sweet Chloe set
Fonts: Kaleigh and ?

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Credits: Papers and Elements - Midsummer Swelter by Rina
Fonts - I am horrible about remembering the fonts! I'll get better. :)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I almost added you in that post too. LOL The whole time I was watching it, I was thinking, "Ooohh, I have to tell April NOT to buy this one!" LOL