Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cassie is sick

I brought her to the peds and spent 4 hours there. The last time I saw this particular doctor, she treated Jacob. He was so sick she felt he needed to be hospitalized, but yet she had us sit in her office for 5 hours before she did a darn thing. So, I knew we were going in to a long appointment.

She apparently hasn't changed any. I was ticked. Cassie has been running a 102-103 fever since Sunday WITH Motrin round the clock. She also keeps saying "the down" hurts. I asked her where she is hurting, could she show me, etc, and she points to just above her belly button. I pushed a little all over her belly and she never winced or anything and when I asked her again if that was "the down", she pointed to her privates. So, I thought maybe she has a UTI and I brought her in....the ped thought it was a good possibility as well.

The initial check-up went quickly. We were first after lunch, had a throat culture that came back negative, and her left ear is severely infected. I mean, the ped hardly even had to look before she said it looked really bad. :( Poor baby. She never said a word about her ear hurting until we were pulling into the parking lot, so I had no idea.

Anyway, since the throat culture came back negative and Cassie had mentioned that she hurt a little, the ped decided we should do a urine sample. I brought Cassie to the bathroom and she didn't want to go in the cup. She wasn't feeling like sitting up at all for the past two days, so she certainly wasn't going to be cooperative on something like this. So I told the ped we should probably try the bag method. We sat there for 3 hours and Cassie would not go. They put us in a tiny room with no magazines or anything and one chair. So for three hours I stood there waiting for her to pee in the bag. This doctor also has a habit of jumping to conclusions a good bit. After two hours she assumed Cassie is dehydrated. She's not, she just never potties when we leave the house. She didn't have any signs of dehydration, and she also had been pottying with no trouble until this point. Plus she had been drinking quite a bit, so there was no reason to believe that we needed to give her an IV at the hospital.

So, when the 4th hour came, the ped just happened to come out of one of the other rooms, so I went out and told her Cassie was feeling pretty hot again and I needed to know if I could give her some more Motrin or not. She felt her head and told someone to come and take her temp. It was only 101.6, but she felt like she was on fire and was looking pretty bad again. I told the ped again that Cassie hasn't been having an odd or strong smell to her urine. Suddenly the ped decided that she would just go ahead and treat the ear infection and let us go. Nice, huh? Except that she was going to give her the Rocephin shots and I had to remind her about Jacob's severe allergy in the hospital when she treated him several years ago. According to her, none of my other kids should chance that particular medication. So, we now have Augmentin and I have to bring in a urine sample tomorrow morning.

So, that was my fun day. I am beat.


K.C.'sMommy said...

Oh Poor Cassie! I hope she feels better soon:) Let us know how her urine sample turned out?

Amydeanne said...

I hope she feels better soon!
It's funny you posted today, I was just thinking of you!