Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Baby Madison - in need of urgent prayers and thoughts

Baby Madison is the daughter of a sweet friend, Shelli. We met on a due date board during my pregnancy with Elena and have posted together ever since. Madison was born with mitochondrial disease. There is no known cure for this, but she has been showing great progress with the help of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

Madison is currently in the hospital because she is in liver failure. Shelli posted that this may be because of the medications she os on. They have taken her off of the meds in hopes that she will have her liver begin to function. If not, Shelli said she will not be bringing Madison home.

Please say some extra prayers tonight for Baby Madison and her mama, Shelli. They could really use it. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

My heart is just breaking for them, I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers, please keep me updated on her progress.

K.C.'sMommy said...

This is so heartbreaking :( We will keep them in our thoughts and prayers everyday.