Monday, January 23, 2006


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We got the results of the boys' bloodwork finally. Joshua's Insulin-like Growth Factor is a bit high, and Jacob's is low. I have no idea what this means exactly, but the ped is sending us to an endocronologist for the two of them. We are still waiting for the results on the bone age x-ray. Supposedly the Children's Hospital has no record of our having been there. Yeah, I am so sure that will be the case when the bill gets sent. Needless to say, I will not be paying for something that I will never see the results for, and I may let the insurance company know as well that they supposedly lost the x-ray. We'll see what happens. I for one am very interested to see what the results were and how it relates to the low IGF.

School is going fine. We didn't do anything today. Jacob had to go to the ped's office today because for the past 5 days he has been blinking in an odd really long and hard blinks. If we ask him if they hurt, are itchy, are dry, etc he always says no. So today, since it seems to be never-ending, we went to get him checked. The ped had him go through a vision exam (he has 20/25) and then she examined his eyes and asked him several questions. In the end, she thinks it is allergy related and she gave us a prescription for some drops.

So I got to thinking about what in the world could have suddenly set him off. When Silas came home one day early last week, he brought me my early Valentine's gift - some beautiful yellow tulips. That is the only difference that I have thoguht about, so we are thinking that may be the key. We are going to find a new location for the flowers and see if that helps with the drops.

So that is all to report for now. :)

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