Thursday, September 01, 2005


My mom was here at my house babysitting the kids while I took Elena for her late 12 mth checkup. Right after she left, she called to tell me my father had gotten home and their house had been broken into. They broke in through the back door, and the dog never moved from the middle of the yard from what my neighbor could figure.

I went over to mom and dad's after dinner to try and wait for the crime scene police to show up and then help them clean a bit. 7 hours after their original call, and they just showed up.

Apparently several people in the neighborhood saw a black male hanging around on a girl's bike and swerving around like he was scoping out the neighborhood. This same male banged on the door next door to mom and dad's and then when she answered he said it was the wrong house. When she opened the front door (not her screen door) a black male was standing there and got real nervous and said something about being at the wrong house. He went to the side of her house and had hidden his bike behind her garbage cans!

About 10 minutes later is when the dogs went crazy, but when she looked out the window she didn't see anything, so she assumed it was an animal of some sort that the dogs were chasing.

The guy went on their back porch and tried pulling off one of the dining room screens. It is bent where he had pulled the thing, but he apparently had no luck getting it off. So, he went to the other dining room screen and slit it so that he could try unlocking the window. Then he went to the next two windows, which are the kitchen, and slit both of those screens and had no luck getting them open as well. Then he went over to the den/garage area and removed the screen completely and then I suppose used something like a credit card to unlock the window. When he climbed in through there, he simply stepped onto the deep freeze which was layered with a thick coating of dust, and he left finger and shoe marks. Of course, it had too much dust for the police to get anything off of it.

He completely bipassed the den and went into the living room where he simply went through 3 out of 6 drawers in the hutch and left them partially open. He then went to my 16 year old brother's room, and I guess he figured he was a kid by the contents of the room or something, because he only messed with the top drawer of his dresser from what we can tell.

Then he went to my 21yo brother's room. He took all of the coins from his tips except for the pennies. He also left Glenn's ATM card and some cash that was in plain sight. And to top it off, he moved some of Glenn's pants to the bed (don't know if he tried them on or what) and a shirt and then left a towel that did not belong to my family on top of them. Ick! He also stole his camcorder which Glenn is furious about.

From there he appears to have gone into my parent's room, and that is where it was the worst off. He emptied my father's chest of drawers. Don't know if he took anything or not, because they were told not to touch anything until after the crime scene crew came. He emptied my mother's purse and left the contents neatly piled on her bed. He also removed a candle from a candlestick holder and placed them nicely on the bed. He got into several drawers. Here's the really crazy thing - he only took change!

I felt so icky in the house. You could just sense how things played out during the time the guy was in there, and it was such an awful feeling. I hated it, and I know there is no way I would be able to sleep in that house if it were me.

The most eeire part about all of this is the coincidence...this is four months after my grandmother died. 4 months after my great-grandmother died is when my grandparents had their home broken into. I can't get over that.

Ugh. I don't know how much more bad news I can take. I seriously want this year to be over with. I am getting so stressed from everything that has happened this year. All of it is just piling up into one huge mess, and it seems to just keep getting bigger and bigger. I just want to go into hiding until January. :(

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