Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Elena update

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Elena finally had her 9 month check-up yesterday. We met the newest ped in the practice. She is extremely nice and very thorough. You can definitely tell she's new though. *lol* Anyway, my "little" baby is now 24 lbs, 4 oz and in the 95th%. Her head circumference has gone from the 75th% to the 85th%. Height we are unsure about...either they measured her wrong this time or the last because they have her as shrinking. She's doing great! She's right on track on most things and a little ahead of the game in others. She didn't cry at all during the exam. She did cry a little bit halfway through her one shot, but she immediately stopped once I picked her up. She's such a big girl. :)

In other news, my cousin's husband, Emmett, passed away unexpectedly last night. We just saw him at Meemaw's funeral, and it is so hard to believe he is gone. We weren't overly close, but he always was extremely nice and welcoming anytime we saw him. He came up to my two brothers after Meemaw's burial and told them he knew how hard it was for them to be pall bearers, but he was proud of them and knew what an honor it was regardless of the difficulty. His oldest son and my brother went to high school together and got to be good friends. It's been a rough couple of months for my mom's side of the family.

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