Monday, May 02, 2005


I watched Joshua's interaction with others a lot this weekend. I noticed that he has improved tremendously with making eye contact, not only with us, but with strangers as well. He also has come up several times this weekend and asked me to help him do something. People with "normal" kids don't know how amazing it is when they have a child like Josh start to do things other kids his age have been doing for some time. He just started drinking out of a straw about 2 or 3 months ago - something his little sister Cassie has been doing for many months. We got a Moolatte from DQ today, and I shared it with all of the kids. In January, he would have never gotten anything to come through the though, he beamed when he sipped it and then he asked for more. :)

He still needs to work on playing with other kids. He starts to, but is quickly in his own little world. I did notice this quite a bit at the reception after the funeral. He was perfectly content to play with the stroller wheels. He did play for a few minutes with my best friend's baby. I think it will improve with a little more time.

I'm so proud of him and all of the progress he has made already! I can not wait to get him into the occupational and speech therapy. I think he will blossom so much once they start!

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