Monday, March 05, 2007

Getting back into a routine

Well, trying to at least. School has gone well for both boys. Joshua has completely moved on from the Dick and Jane stories and I am trying to find things for him to read that are on his level. He's doing very well. Jacob has been playing catch-up on some things. We finished our measurement unit today and he enjoyed it for the most part. Cassidy and Elena have been keeping each other occupied, thankfully. :)

Since returning home from our trip, Joshua has some of his unusual behaviors return. One of them is turning my lights on and off repeatedly at lightening speeds. He had stopped that one a while back, but for some reason he has gone back to it. The other one that he seems to be doing more and more of is watching a particular blade on the fans and following it with his eyes. Sometimes he will even go so far as to try spinning along with it directly under the fan. He stopped this one a couple of years ago, so it bothers me that it is back. He was doing so good before our trip and even while we were gone. It's not something that he does only once or twice a day. It has been very consuming of his entire day. *sigh*

Other than that, I'm trying hard to get back into some sort of groove. I have been designing some since our return home, and should have a total of five new items in the store by the end of the week. I'm still not finding time to actually scrap some pages, but eventually I will. I need to get some pages done for Wendy's CT.

So, boring update but an update nonetheless. :) I hope everyone is doing well!